Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This tilt-shift image is incredible. It's like a photo of a dream! Definitely a moving and artistic look at San Francisco's Mission Street flying rats. Er, I mean, pigeons.

Your comments on this image are welcome, and encouraged! And a question for the photographer - bhautik joshi - if s/he is so inclined: Is there anything special about this moment, day, trip, or place beyond what you've shared on Flickr that you'd like to add or comment on here? Along with other vivaca visitors, I would love to know more!

Location: San Francisco, California ★
Photo courtesy of bhautik joshi


  1. Hi guys - thanks for the post!

    I took the photo while I was transferring between buses downtown. There's a little more about the setup of the shot at the bottom of the page here:

  2. What a memorable transfer! Love it. And thanks for the additional info.



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